Fine art Items consist of Portraits, Animal portraits, architectural renderings. These are not quickly produced item or pre-conceived items. These items can be produced on one of (4) surfaces. Metal panels, Canvas panels, Illustration panel, Watercolor Paper mounted on panel. All panels start at 10 in. X 10 in. in size and can be as large as 48X96 Production of these items are done in pencil, pastel, watercolor, airbrush or combination. These Items can take two weeks or more to produce depending on the design, and what is involved in producing them. Prices start at $50.00 for any style of design from this page.
The final price must be determined by the artist before any work can begin. . Do to the nature and amount of work that goes into this level of designs. All work in this area must be paid for up front, at least 50 % of final price deposit.
Please contact us at New Email [email protected] , or by phone at 1-512-749-5206 to discuss the work that you are interested in, and to get a price quote.